Sanctions SOS Sanctions Compliance Immersive Training

Company Name:Sanctions SOS
Date: 05/06/2024
Time: 9am - 5pm
Borough: Manchester Wework St Peter's Square
Contact Name: Chloe Giasemidis
Contact Email:
Contact Telephone: +447903026998

The course is a one day in-person training course split into a taught morning session followed by an interactive, developing scenario that attendees will play through.

Why do the Sanctions Compliance Training Day?
Understand basics of sanctions
Learn sanctions compliance skills
Understand the importance of geo-politics and horizon scanning
Networking opportunities
By completing the course you will receive an attendance certificate and Sanctions SOS credits, as well as a copy of the training materials.

Why in-person?
More interactive and dynamic discussions
Networking opportunities
Opportunity to share and exchange experiences and best practices

Who is the training aimed at?
It is aimed at anyone, both those new to the world of sanctions and those experienced. Designed for attendees from all parts of the private sector, from the FIs, to exporters, and logistics companies, and also the public sector including regulators.

What is covered by the course?
The taught morning will will give an overview of sanctions, sanctions compliance and current issues, such as geo-politics, horizon scanning and sanctions evasion. The interactive afternoon session will play out a developing situation and allow attendees to play out responses testing knowledge, understanding and application.

Where is the training held?
The next edition of this course will be run in Central Manchester, St Peters Square

When is the course?
The next course will be on 5th June 2024.

The course will start at 09:00 and finish at 17:00, with breaks across the day. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Attendance Capacity:
Capacity is strictly capped at 16 people. Therefore, we advise you to book early to avoid disappointment.

For more Information contact us on:
Tel: +44 (0) 161 302 7092

Registration deadline: 04/06/2024

NON MEMBERS £500.00 Excluding VAT
MEMBERS £450.00 Excluding VAT