GMCC Milestone Work Anniversaries

Date: 08/11/2023
Author: Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce
Company: Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce

2023 has brought some incredible milestones for some of our dedicated GMCC staff, and we're highlighting their time working for the Chamber by asking them their best moments!

Chris Fletcher, Policy & Campaigns Director - 20 years 

I could probably write a book to be honest but:

I guess my biggest stand out and interesting moment was being shown round No. 10 and No. 11 Downing Street by Maggie Darling the wife of the then Chancellor Alistair Darling. We had organised a North West Chambers delegation to Westminster and part of the day was to meet the Chancellor in No. 11. Unfortunately something had come up but he still insisted we went to Downing Street. After all the security checks there were about 25 chamber staff and members from the North West walking down Downing Street to be greeted in the most delightful way in No.11 by Mrs Darling. In a way this was unique as she showed us around in a very personal friendly way and gave us some of the personal insights as well of living there and having the Chancellor as a husband. About half way through she suddenly asked if we’d like to ‘pop nextdoor’ and after she had had a quick word we found ourselves in No. 10 – accessed directly from no.11 – and behind the world famous door! A few minutes later we were in the Cabinet Room itself and hearing all sorts of stories about what actually goes on. Feels like a lifetime ago but the memory is as fresh now as it was then. Truly unique and from a time when, dare I say, the political system and the people involved on all sides were a lot less agitated than today and focussed more on people rather than soundbites.

Clare Clark, Membership & Commercial Manager - 15 years 

Working for the Chamber is like being around family and friends all day. Everyone will help anyone out, no matter what the task, we are very lucky to have a workplace filled with caring staff members. I’m not sure where the last 15 years have gone, maybe like they say, time flies when you are having fun!! It honestly doesn’t seem like yesterday that I had my interview at Lee House and then started not long after in Warren Bruce Court.

Some of my most interesting moments, would be relating to Commerce House, our office in Bolton. What me and Paul have worked together to fix, there is definitely more than one story to share and I wouldn’t necessarily class myself as a plumber or handyman, but as I mentioned above, whatever the task, we get it done!

I am very thankful to Clive and all my colleagues to work in such a lovely place and look forward to many more years to come.