From Time Constraints to Strategic Triumphs: My Entrepreneurial Evolution in Manchester

Date: 06/02/2024
Author: Paul Culshaw
Company: paul.

I remember a time in the lively heart of Manchester, a city I ventured to in the late ’90s, I found myself caught in the classic conundrum—the illusion of not having enough time.

After moving to this vibrant city, I embarked on a journey through the corporate marketing world, amassing over 25 years of experience. I worked for household names like Littlewoods and JD Williams before moving agency side to manage SEO campaigns for prestigious clients such as Alton Towers, Cottons Hotel, Swansway Group, and Manchester University.

Despite this rich professional background, the idea of starting my own business seemed like a distant dream, always just out of reach. I was always inspired to join the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce and position myself as a strategic marketing partner in the region, but I let time be my excuse.

The thought constantly nagged me: “If not now, when?” Yet, I hesitated, believing it wasn’t the right time and that time was not on my side. Each day, as I immersed myself in the routine of my job, the entrepreneurial spirit within me yearned for something more. But the fear of time constraints held me back.

I often thought, “the more that you wait, the more time that you waste.” This phrase echoed in my mind, becoming a mantra that slowly chipped away at my apprehensions.

One evening, after a particularly long day at work, I had an epiphany. I realised that for change to happen, you must actively choose to embody the actions required to achieve your intention.

It dawned on me that I was waiting for the perfect moment to start my business, a moment that would never come unless I created it. Embracing this newfound perspective, I started to invest small pockets of time I could find—early mornings, lunch breaks, and late nights. I began researching, planning, and slowly building the foundation of what would become my online marketing coaching business.

It was a test of commitment and passion, juggling a full-time job while nurturing a budding enterprise. This journey taught me a valuable lesson: time is a resource that we often misjudge.

We wait for large swathes of it to appear, not realising that it's the little moments that, when combined, create significant opportunities for growth and change.

By taking actions I wouldn't normally take, especially in terms of financial and time investment, I was able to turn my dream into reality. It was a process of learning, adapting, and, above all, realising that time is not just a barrier but also an ally if we know how to use it.

Now, when I look back, I see that every minute I invested was worth it. It led me to where I am today: the owner of a growing business, helping others navigate the complexities of digital marketing through coaching programmes and done-for-you services.

I see my story as a testament to the power of starting now and aiming to work smarter, not harder.

But my most vital lesson; strive to make the most of the time you have.

I hope this resonates or even inspires. I'm all about celebrating self-belief and resilience in business while keeping marketing simple for my clients.

It would be great to connect with you. Find out more about me at: