Has your provider got in touch about the copper switch off?

Date: 28/02/2024
Author: ITS Technology
Company: ITS Technology

The 2025 copper switch-off is getting closer, and if your provider hasn’t gotten in touch, it’s high time they did. Greater Manchester’s business community needs to get ready for a once-in-a-lifetime connectivity shift that’s promising faster internet speeds, increased productivity, and limitless potential to grow everything from headcounts to use of bandwidth-hungry technology.

The PSTN switch-off refers to Openreach’s retirement of copper, or analogue, telephone lines. The switch-off makes way for faster full fibre infrastructure, using gigabit-capable connectivity that moves away from sluggish upload and download speeds, as well as inherent scalability issues.

So many of Greater Manchester’s largest businesses have already made the switch, but it’s time for the small business community to level the playing field. There are over two million copper lines left to upgrade, and the switch-off is set to impact some of Greater Manchester’s smallest businesses. 9.2% of Greater Manchester’s economy is made up of micro to small businesses, meaning that switching to a provider that’s ready to offer faster full fibre is more urgent than ever.

What are the main differences between copper and fibre?

Navigating the switch off with the help of Faster Britain promises:

  • Next level speeds, starting at just 100Mbps all the way up to 10Gbps
  • Secure connections with electro-magnetic interference resistant fibre
  • Crystal clear voice and video conferencing
  • The opportunity to utilise exciting applications from the cloud, smart devices, and automation

Faster Britain has a large footprint across Greater Manchester and is ready to help your business make the switch to a faster future. If you’re approaching the end of your contract, it might be time to look into a new provider – one that’s 2025-ready with a gigabit-capable network already in the ground.

It’s easy to get ready for the copper switch off, just get in touch with Faster Britain, and we can get you on board the fibre revolution with a network built for the next era of digital transformation.