Stress Awareness Month

Date: 26/03/2024
Author: Sam Harwood
Company: Manchester Mind

Little By Little, A Little Becomes A Lot...

This is this year’s Stress Awareness Month theme and Manchester Mind want to use this to encourage everyone to take the time to focus on their own mental health and to empower you to have conversations about stress and wellbeing with your friends, family, and in particular, within workplaces.

We all know what it is like to feel stressed, being under pressure is usually a normal part of life. But after the last few years and with ongoing life challenges and uncertainty, some of us are finding ourselves overwhelmed by stress. This can lead to mental health problems or exacerbate existing problems, cause exhaustion, physical illness and impact on every aspect of your life.

Manchester Mind have gathered together lots of information about stress, burnout, how to better manage your stress levels and build resilience. They will also be sharing information across our social media channels throughout the month.

Workplace Training

Manchester Mind are here to help support mental health and wellbeing in your workplace. They offer a wide range of ready-packaged courses, can develop bespoke training to meet your organisation's needs, and help you create a workplace wellbeing strategy.

Courses include:

  • Finding a Healthy Balance: Managing Stress, and Building Healthy Habits
  • Wellbeing Workshops
  • Supporting Mental Health – A Managers’ Guide
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Mental Health First Aid (Adult)
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid

Discounts are available for charities and for Manchester Mind's Charity Partners. Any profit Manchester Mind make from their training is re-invested to support people struggling with their mental health.

There is a 10% discount for Greater Manchester Chamber members using code GMCHAMBER.
